Land Trustconservation
The Ministry of Environmental Transition of Spain following the guidelines of IUCN put in place a project of called Land Trust (or Nature Stewardship) in order to improve understanding and recognition of the role of private approaches to nature conservation, and to enhance the effectiveness of privately protected and conserved areas through information gathering and sharing at global level.
The goals of Land Trust projects are the following:
- complete IUCN’s understanding of protected area governance, bringing privately protected areas into equal standing with government, co-managed, and indigenous and community conserved areas;
- contribute to the integration of privately protected areas (PPAs) in national protected area systems and global conservation planning and reporting;
- develop and communicate management guidelines through an expert consultation process;
- contribute to dialogues on protected area governance;
- contribute to the definition of and management guidance on “conserved areas,” specifically privately conserved areas; and
- organize and access the knowledge of a voluntary group of experts interested in privately protected areas and nature stewardship.