Get involved
Since 2015

Volunteers have been making a difference

Become a volunteer

If you are resident or tourist, of any age, any nationality you are always welcome to join us in our volunteer program. You can join for a day only or become a frequent part of our group. Either way you´ll learn about the fascinating habitat of el Jable from experts while helping with your work to conserve the fragile environment..

You can get information about the dates of the volunteer´s field trips on our Facebook page or on the home page of this web.

Share your resources

There are other ways to help: if you are resident in Lanzarote anywhere in the vicinity of El Jable and you have a space to spare to accommodate temporarily the foreign students, it would be a great help to the economy of the association. We are a non profit, volunteer run organisation without constant funding so any opportunity to relief costs helps. We are also looking for any support to make the students or scientists stay in Lanzarote more memorable.


Share your knowledge

Our group is science hungry. If you are a scientist who want to share with us your knowledge about nature, conservation or anything else relevant to our work, we will love to organise an opportunity for you to share your knowledge either in a close Desert Watch volunteer group setting or even as a larger public event.


Get in touch, drop us a line to express your interest:

Make a Donation